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Narrat Scenes

Narrat has a scenes feature allowing games to switch between different layouts and add completely new custom UI elements to narrat. For example, the default built-in scenes are:

  • engine-splash: The narrat splash screen on game start
  • game-splash: The game's intro screen
  • start-menu: The start menu with all the buttons
  • playing: The in-game default scene with the viewport, dialog panel etc
  • chapter-title: An optional scene to display a simple title + subtitle intro screen

The engine automatically goes through engine-splash -> game-splash -> start-menu -> playing, but games can switch to other scenes, or add new ones.

Using a scene

An example using the chapter-title built-in scene:

  change_scene "chapter-title" next_label "after_change_scene" title "Chapter 1: The Beginning" subtitle "A new adventure begins!"

  talk helper idle "Hello!"

Scene options

A scene can have any number of options, and when using the change_scene command those options are given by name. For example, the chapter-title scene has the following options:

next_label: string;
title: string;
subtitle?: string;
duration?: number;


Those options are defined in the Vue component's props. For example in the chapter-title scene component:

const props = defineProps<{
  options: {
    next_label: string;
    title: string;
    subtitle?: string;
    duration?: number;
Full code for the chapter-title scene component
  <div class="chapter-title-scene">
    <h1 class="title chapter-title" v-html="props.options.title"></h1>
      class="subtitle chapter-subtitle"

<script setup lang="ts">
import { onMounted, onUnmounted, ref } from 'vue';
import { useScenes } from '@/stores/scenes-store';
import { useVM } from '@/stores/vm-store';

const props = defineProps<{
  options: {
    next_label: string;
    title: string;
    subtitle?: string;
    duration?: number;

const timeout = ref<any>(null);
function finishedTimeout() {
  timeout.value = null;
onMounted(() => {
  timeout.value = setTimeout(finishedTimeout, props.options.duration ?? 2000);
onUnmounted(() => {
  if (timeout.value) {
    timeout.value = null;

Options are passed by adding new arguments to the change_scene command with the name of the option followed by its value. The full syntax for change_scene is: change_scene <scene_name> [option name] [option value] [other option name] [other option value] ...

In the case of the chapter-title scene, the next_label option decides what narrat label will be played when the intro sequence is finished. So in the example above, we change to the chapter-title scene, and because we gave after_change_scene as an option to it, the engine will play the after_change_scene label when the scene is finished.

Creating custom scenes

Scenes use Vue.js components to give more control to the game developer. To create a custom scene, create a new Vue component and register it with the engine. For example look at the chapter-title scene component.

Once you have a vue component you want to use as a scene, register it with the engine in index.ts:

import MySceneComponent from '@/scenes/my-scene.vue'; 

// ...
window.addEventListener('load', () => {
    logging: false,
    id: 'my-scene', 
    component: shallowRef(GameplayScene), 
    props: {}, 

Once a scene has been registered, it can be used in narrat script via the change_scene command:

  change_scene my-scene

Released under the MIT License.