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The plugin API documentation is a work in progress, and the plugin API is being improved over time. Don't hesitate to ask on Discord for help with plugin development

Available plugins

Plugin API

The plugin API allows anyone to extend the engine's functionality using native TypeScript code and/or custom Vue.js components for UI.


The plugin API can currently do a few things:

  • Custom data stores: Allows creation of custom pinia data stores. The custom data in those stores can then be serialised by the engine and added to game save files. UI can also use values from data stores
  • Custom menu buttons and tabs: Allows adding new menu buttons or tabs in existing menus which will display any Vue.js component passed to it
  • Custom Commands: Create custom commands for the narrat scripring language, using the same API as the built-in commands
  • Various lifecycle hooks: Lifecycle hooks on page load, engine load, game start, and more, to run custom logic
  • Access to built-in data stores: All the data stores used in the engine for managing the various features can be used by plugins to manipulate any game data
  • Access to config and other utilities: The engine exports various utilities used internally and also the API to access the game's config

How to use

There is a sample plugin in the narrat repo which serves as an example of how to use the plugin API. This plugin is a self-contained project that can be built and exported as an npm package to import and use in any narrat game.

  • The src/plugin.ts file is the entry point for the plugin which is what gets exported and used.

  • The src/demo.ts file is the entry point for running the plugin in dev mode, which starts a self-contained demo of narrat running the plugin


Plugins need to be registered with narrat by calling registerPlugin, as is done in the demo.ts file.


The sample plugin uses a bit of many features of the plugun API, so it's a good place to start if you want to see how everything works

How to create a plugin library

There is a create-narrat-plugin package which is similar to the create-narrat tool used to start new games.

By runnning:

npm create narrat-plugin@latest

A new project containing a plugin will be created. The template used is the sample counter plugin above

How to create a plugin directly in a project

If making a plugin as a library isn't needed, it is possible to simply add plugin code directly in a narrat project to avoid having to build a complete package just for a plugin.

In src/index.ts, it is possible to directly create a plugin class (similarly to what's done in plugin.ts in the sample plugin) and register it directly there. This allows developing the plugin and the game alongside each other easily

Finding out more about the API

The API isn't very documented yet, but looking at the example can help. Some relevant useful files to look at:

  • plugins.ts: The NarratPluginObject interface there exports the expected interface for a plugin and can be a good starting point to see available options
  • exports folder: The exports folder in the narrat package contains all the files exporting the public narrat API, which can help with finding what can be imported for use in plugins

Released under the MIT License.